Shirasaya and koshirae


Making Shirasaya:

We make it from traditional nurizaya (magnolia) wood imported from Japan, in custom designs. It is also possible to order mekugi or koiguchi inlays made of buffalo horn.

It is really important for us to maintain the original traditions regarding the use of materials, so we work only with original Japanese materials for all such materials.

After the internal design of the saya, the wood is treated from the inside with real choji oil to prevent the blade from corroding.

If required, we can treat the surface with natural beeswax for durability and protection of the blade.

Sayagaki can be also made in case of meied blades.

Making Koshirae:

We make it from traditional nurizaya (magnolia) wood imported from Japan, in custom designs.

It is really important for us to maintain the original traditions regarding the use of materials, so we work only with original Japanese materials for all such materials.

After the internal design of the saya, the wood is treated from the inside with real choji oil to prevent the blade from corroding.

We make saya only with real urushi lacquer - applied in at least 20 layers.

Koiguchi, kojiri, and kurigata can be made either from own material or with real buffalo horn. It is also possible to create kodzuka or kogai ana.

Currently, we do not undertake tsuka weaving, for more information please contact Mr. Tamás Oláh. Thank you for your understanding.